Free Database Hosting Providers for Your Next Web Projects




Free Database Hosting Providers for Your Next Web Projects

Whether you are a newbie developer or an expert who is trying to run a personal blogging or business website or starting a new critical project, you will need a strong and secured database server to sync with your website and continuously manage your customer’s or product’s databases. A free database hosting service is there for you to lift your project and you can easily experiment with several options. In this article, we are providing you best free database hosting providers. But before that, let's get to the basics first.

What is Database Hosting?

Database hosting is a managed service that is optimized for running a relational database. Unlike any host, Databases are different cause they can not run a web server, mail server, file share, or other file-based application. Instead, they require specific hardware and software configurations to correctly support the database. Here it comes as an arranged group of data for one or more uses, generally in digital form. By utilizing database management systems, digital databases are managed. Therefore it can reserve database contents, letting data creation and maintenance, and search and other access.

Benefits of using database hosting

Databases are operated to reserve and rescue different types of content. Some of the benefits are given below,

  • Operational databases hold exact data regarding the operations of an organization.
  • For Online Analytical Processing, you will have an analytical database.
    For storing data and configuration for a typical application, there is an application database.
  • Capability to customize what database is used and the level of help and supervision.
  • Based on demand automatic scaling, both growing and reducing.
  • No downtime for users, presenting high availability.
  • There is no need to pay for expensive hardware.

Now let’s get back to the pavilion and explore the world of database hosting providers.


Free Database Hosting Providers for Your Next Web Projects

PlanetScale is a free but powerful MySQL-compatible serverless database that pairs absolutely with PHP. If you want to manage your database smoothly in one place, PlanetScale is the best choice for you. This platform offers developer-first features like branching, non-blocking schema changes, and real-time query analytics. PlanetScale with its exceptional workflow is offering you a huge scale and authority of Vitess. Now you can do everything without hiring a database expert to handle it for you.

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MongoDB Atlas

Free Database Hosting Providers for Your Next Web Projects

MongoDB Atlas is a considerably developed cloud database service on the market. This data platform offers a multi-cloud database service that delivers resilience, scale, and the most elevated levels of data privacy and security. With MongoDB Atlas, you can work easily and effortlessly as you want. Also, you will get built-in best practices and intelligently automates critical operations. This will make sure your data is secure and your database is running as expected.

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Free Database Hosting Providers for Your Next Web Projects is a free platform that helps to run your full-stack apps and databases all over the world. A popular relational database is PostgreSQL which is the default database type. This database is offered when you want to launch an application on with a single command. This platform allows the database an automatic deployment and manually managed. Also, it offers MySQL a popular relational database, SQLite a very lightweight file-based database, Redis an in-memory database commonly used for caching, and EdgeDB a graph-relational database that runs on top of Postgres.

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Free Database Hosting Providers for Your Next Web Projects

Supabase is a free database hosting platform that comes with a full Postgres database. This Postgres database is a free and open-source database that is regarded as one of the world's most long-lasting and progressive databases. So with supabase, you don't need to be an expert or hire one. You can do it all by yourself and it's pretty easy to learn. The table view drives Postgres as easy to operate as a spreadsheet. Also, you can customize your tables just like you would inside a spreadsheet. Moreover, Supabase offers a SQL Editor and you can save your famous queries to run later.

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Free Database Hosting Providers for Your Next Web Projects

Deta cloud is free and the most friendly cloud platform for building and deploying your ideas. Here you don't need any servers and bills cause it's free forever. Also, you can get your Python & Node.js apps / APIs on the internet in seconds. Deta is highly scalable and offers unlimited databases, apps, and APIs.

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Clever Cloud

Free Database Hosting Providers for Your Next Web Projects

Clever Cloud is a European company that seeks at allowing companies to ship way quickly their web services in the cloud. Here you are free from infrastructure to operate, a system to update and an orchestrator to troubleshoot. This platform carries the building blocks of SaaS architectures. Almost every kind of organization uses Clever Cloud service to deploy, operate, and scale their businesses. In addition, this platform also manages its own hardware for finer control and produces its own OS for more outstanding performances.

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Free Database Hosting Providers for Your Next Web Projects

Upstash Blog is a free database-providing platform that creates data the most effortless part of your assignment. This database provider helps you to focus on more important things for your project and maintain your time limit. Also, Upstash Blog is allowing you to pay for what you use means you don't need to pay for any extra. This platform helps you to keep things as simple as possible but not too simple that nobody will notice.

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Free Database Hosting Providers for Your Next Web Projects

Neon is a free fully supervised serverless PostgreSQL with a great free level. Neon splits storage and computing and delivers current developer elements such as serverless, branching, bottomless storage, and more. Neon is an open-source platform that allows you to complete a branch of your PostgreSQL database. Neon supplies increased availability without any administrative, maintenance, or scaling load.

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Free Database Hosting Providers for Your Next Web Projects

Northflank is a full-stack cloud platform designed for developers by developers. It seamlessly creates, deploys, and scales your code, jobs, and databases. This will help you to build a strong cooperative platform that redefines PaaS, CI/CD, and real-time observability assembling DevOps free to all. You can use any language, any framework you pick, or how your project is structured, all you have to do is add a Dockerfile and deploy it as a Northflank service. Also you can create mysql, postgresql and mongo database using their options.

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Free Database Hosting Providers for Your Next Web Projects

Render is a free unified cloud that helps you to build and run all your apps in a faster way. All you have to do is choose the service type and Render will deploy it in seconds and update automatically. Also, you can operate any command on a hard-and-fast schedule reliably and easily. Render lets you host virtually anything with custom Dockerfiles. Moreover, it allows fully managed databases with automated backups. The free-tier is not suitable for real life projects but, ok to give a try.

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Amazon DynamoDB

Free Database Hosting Providers for Your Next Web Projects

Amazon DynamoDB is a free, fast, and flexible NoSQL database service for single-digit millisecond versions at any ranking. Basically, it enables key-value and document data models. You can operate DynamoDB to create stylish, serverless applications. These apps can begin small and scale globally to keep petabytes of data and tens of millions of read and write requests per second. DynamoDB was crafted to operate high-performance, internet-scale applications that would overburden traditional relational databases.

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