Auto reCAPTCHA, Domain Restrictions, New Status Pages and More
I hope you’re doing great. The holiday season is almost here but we didn't stop our continuous development to make FormBold better and more useful for your use cases.
A lot of things has been done in last couple of weeks so today, I am here to notify you what we're building in the background and what's ready for you to use.
Here are the sneak peeks of our most recent updates ...
Automatic reCAPTCHA is here, Enable Now! 👊
Yes, we have made integrating reCAPTCHA lot easier for you. Simply, enable the automatic reCAPTCHA from your specific form settings, this will immediately protect your form and stop all kinds of spam and bots.
No, additional setup or configuration required for Automatic reCAPTCHA. Our system will handle everything for you.
Optionally, you can still keep using custom reCAPTCHA too by following our detailed instructions.
Allow and Disallow Domains 🔐
This is one of the most requested features in recent time, now you can allow/disallow domains where from you will allow submissions.
If you enable this option and add allowed domains, all other referer’s submissions will be blocked automatically and will show submission denied warning in return. Go to the form settings, you will find this option at the bottom-right.
Awesome New Submission Status Pages ✅
We have completely redesigned the submission status pages - success, error, permission denied, 404 etc. Submission status page on FormBold won't feel boring anymore and all the changes already deployed to live and applied to your forms too.
Tons of New Form Templates Added! 🎁
Tons of new and unique form templates added to our template gallery that you can copy-paste to your projects and start using immediately. We have created these templates for different use-cases.
You can view demo, copy-code and so on, all the templates are completely free and open-source! All you need to replace endpoint URL with your own to make them fully working!
Have a good day 😊